The CorDapp Standard Development Environment (CSDE) makes the process of prototyping CorDapps more straight-forward. The CSDE is obtained by cloning our CSDE-cordapp-template-kotlin
or CSDE-cordapp-template-java
repository to your local machine. The CSDE provides:
- a prepared CorDapp project that you can use as a starting point to develop your own prototypes.
- a base Gradle configuration that brings in the dependencies you need to write and test a Corda 5 CorDapp.
- a set of Gradle helper tasks which speed up and simplify the development and deployment process; these are effectively wrappers over the Corda CLI.
- debug configuration for debugging a local Corda cluster.
- the
code which forms the basis of the Getting Started documentation. - the
Chat CorDapp, which provides a basic, working UTXO Ledger CorDapp. - the ability to configure the members of the local Corda network.
Be sure to install required SW and CLI tools prior starting development with CSDE.
Template project
Template Java or Kotlin projects are availvable as a git repo.
git clone <local-folder>
git checkout release/corda-5-0
git init
git remote add origin <remote-url>
In order for the CSDE-cordapp-template
app to work on MacOS with VsCode, these steps must be made:
Add $rootDir
prefix in build.gradle
For some reason, to run gradle tasks from VsCode, the default build.gradle
must be updated with absolute paths. Unpatched file works just fine for commands from CLI.
// Configure the CSDE
csde {
cordaClusterURL = "https://localhost:8888"
- networkConfigFile = "config/static-network-config.json"
+ networkConfigFile = "$rootDir/config/static-network-config.json"
r3RootCertFile = "config/r3-ca-key.pem"
corDappCpiName = "MyCorDapp"
notaryCpiName = "NotaryServer"
cordaRpcUser = "admin"
cordaRpcPasswd ="admin"
workflowsModuleName = workflowsModule
- csdeWorkspaceDir = "workspace"
+ csdeWorkspaceDir = "$rootDir/workspace"
notaryVersion = cordaNotaryPluginsVersion
combinedWorkerVersion = combinedWorkerJarVersion
postgresJdbcVersion = "42.4.3"
cordaDbContainerName = "CSDEpostgresql"
cordaBinDir = "${System.getProperty("user.home")}/.corda/corda5"
cordaCliBinDir = "${System.getProperty("user.home")}/.corda/cli"
Note, that there must be no prefix for r3RootCertFile
Install recommend JDK (Azul Zulu 11) and tell gradle to use it.
+ # Use JDK Zulu 11
Otherwise, funny errors might happen:
oxbee@MacBook HelloCorda % ./gradlew 5-vNodesSetup
Starting a Gradle Daemon, 1 busy and 3 incompatible and 2 stopped Daemons could not be reused, use --status for details
> Task :1-createGroupPolicy FAILED
Group policy up to date.
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':1-createGroupPolicy'.
> net.corda.plugins.csde.CsdeException: Unable to find the Corda CLI, has it been installed?
Even if CordaCLI is actually installed!
List all the Java versions installed on Mac
/usr/libexec/java_home -V
Gradle commands shall be accessible to you at this moment. Although, it is possible to run gradle tasks in VsCode, it is **suggested to execute them as a generic bash commands**, since most of the configuration files are tested and finetuned only for JetBrains IDEA.
Type ./gradlew tasks
to get list of availvable tasks. The most basic of which are:
Start local Corda application network
./gradlew startCord
[!note] Be sure to have your Docker demon up and running
Run virtual nodes
./gradlew 5-vNodesSetup