kotlin.code.style=official # Specify the version of the Corda-API to use. # This needs to match the version supported by the Corda Cluster the CorDapp will run on. cordaApiVersion= # Specify the version of the notary plugins to use. # Currently packaged as part of corda-runtime-os, so should be set to a corda-runtime-os version. cordaNotaryPluginsVersion= # Specify the version of the Combined Worker to use combinedWorkerJarVersion= # Specify the version of the cordapp-cpb and cordapp-cpk plugins cordaPluginsVersion=7.0.3 # Specify the version of the CSDE gradle plugin to use csdePluginVersion=1.0.0-alpha-+ # For the time being this just needs to be set to a dummy value. platformVersion = 999 # Version of Kotlin to use. # We recommend using a version close to that used by Corda-API. kotlinVersion = 1.7.21 # Do not use default dependencies. kotlin.stdlib.default.dependency=false # Test Tooling Dependency Versions junitVersion = 5.8.2 mockitoKotlinVersion=4.0.0 mockitoVersion=4.6.1 hamcrestVersion=2.2 # R3 internal repository # Use this version when pointing to artefacts in artifactory that have not been published to S3 artifactoryContextUrl=https://software.r3.com/artifactory