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djmil 2023-07-19 14:27:18 +02:00
parent d0fd928ef7
commit d3f06ce991


@ -1,102 +1,97 @@
--- This repo is my first attempt to learn `SpringBoot` following [this](https://spring.academy/courses/building-a-rest-api-with-spring-boot/lessons/introduction) tutorial. The setup is Visual Code IDE alongside with [SpringBoot](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/java/java-spring-boot) plugin.
gitea: none
include_toc: true # Spring Initializr
In VsCode press `cmd+shif+p` and type `Spring Initilizr`. Choose:
This repo is my first attempt to learn `SpringBoot` following [this](https://spring.academy/courses/building-a-rest-api-with-spring-boot/lessons/introduction) tutorial. The setup is Visual Code IDE alongside with [SpringBoot](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/java/java-spring-boot) plugin. - Gradle Project
- _SpringBoot version:_ latest (3.1.1)
# Spring Initializr - _project language:_ Java
- _group id:_ djmil
In VsCode press `cmd+shif+p` and type `Spring Initilizr`. Choose: - _artifact id (aka project name):_ cashcard
- Gradle Project - _packaging type:_ jar
- _SpringBoot version:_ latest (3.1.1) - _java version:_ 17
- _project language:_ Java - _dependencies:_
- _group id:_ djmil - SpringWeb
- _artifact id (aka project name):_ cashcard
- _packaging type:_ jar Essentially, this will generate a default minimalistic jet functional SpringBoot project. Entry point, aka `main()` can be found in [src/main/java/djmil/cashcard/CashcardApplication.java]( To run the application - press `ctrl+F5` or Play button in the top right corner of an editor.
- _java version:_ 17
- _dependencies:_ # TDD
- SpringWeb
Different tests can be written at different levels of the system. At each level, there is a balance between the speed of execution, the “cost” to maintain the test, and the confidence it brings to system correctness. This hierarchy is often represented as a “testing pyramid”.
Essentially, this will generate a default minimalistic jet functional SpringBoot project. Entry point, aka `main()` can be found in [src/main/java/djmil/cashcard/CashcardApplication.java]( To run the application - press `ctrl+F5` or Play button in the top right corner of an editor.
![Testing pyramid](https://blog.missiondata.com/wp-content/uploads/MD_TestingPyramid2x-1560x1045.png "Testing pyramid")
## Unit Tests
Different tests can be written at different levels of the system. At each level, there is a balance between the speed of execution, the “cost” to maintain the test, and the confidence it brings to system correctness. This hierarchy is often represented as a “testing pyramid”. [[UnitTests]] exercises a small “unit” of the system that is isolated from the rest of the system. They should be simple and speedy. You want a high ratio of Unit Tests in your testing pyramid as theyre key to designing highly cohesive, loosely coupled software.
![Testing pyramid](https://blog.missiondata.com/wp-content/uploads/MD_TestingPyramid2x-1560x1045.png "Testing pyramid") ## Integration Tests
[[IntegrationTests]] exercise a subset of the system and may exercise groups of units in one test. They are more complicated to write and maintain, and run slower than unit tests.
## Unit Tests
[[UnitTests]] exercises a small “unit” of the system that is isolated from the rest of the system. They should be simple and speedy. You want a high ratio of Unit Tests in your testing pyramid as theyre key to designing highly cohesive, loosely coupled software. ## End-to-End Tests
An End-to-End Test exercises the system using the same interface that a user would, such as a web browser. While extremely thorough, End-to-End Tests can be very slow and fragile because they use simulated user interactions in potentially complicated UIs. Implement the smallest number of these tests.
## Integration Tests
[[IntegrationTests]] exercise a subset of the system and may exercise groups of units in one test. They are more complicated to write and maintain, and run slower than unit tests. ## TDD Cycle
## End-to-End Tests Software development teams love to move fast. So how do you go fast forever? By continuously improving and simplifying your code this is called **refactoring**. One of the only ways you can safely refactor is when you have a trustworthy test suite. Thus, the best time to refactor the code you're currently focusing on is during the TDD cycle. This is called the Red, Green, Refactor development loop:
An End-to-End Test exercises the system using the same interface that a user would, such as a web browser. While extremely thorough, End-to-End Tests can be very slow and fragile because they use simulated user interactions in potentially complicated UIs. Implement the smallest number of these tests.
1. **Red:** Write a failing test for the desired functionality.
## TDD Cycle 2. **Green:** Implement the simplest thing that can work to make the test pass.
3. **Refactor:** Look for opportunities to simplify, reduce duplication, or otherwise improve the code without changing any behavior—to _refactor._
Software development teams love to move fast. So how do you go fast forever? By continuously improving and simplifying your code this is called **refactoring**. One of the only ways you can safely refactor is when you have a trustworthy test suite. Thus, the best time to refactor the code you're currently focusing on is during the TDD cycle. This is called the Red, Green, Refactor development loop: 4. Repeat!
1. **Red:** Write a failing test for the desired functionality. # RESTful API
2. **Green:** Implement the simplest thing that can work to make the test pass.
3. **Refactor:** Look for opportunities to simplify, reduce duplication, or otherwise improve the code without changing any behavior—to _refactor._ In a RESTful system, data objects are called Resource Representations. The purpose of a RESTful API is to manage the state of these Resources. The chart below shows details about RESTful CRUD operations of an application.
4. Repeat!
|Operation|API Endpoint|HTTP Method|Response Status|
# RESTful API |---|---|---|---|
|**C**reate|`/cashcards`|`POST`|201 (CREATED)|
In a RESTful system, data objects are called Resource Representations. The purpose of a RESTful API is to manage the state of these Resources. The chart below shows details about RESTful CRUD operations of an application. |**R**ead|`/cashcards/{id}`|`GET`|200 (OK)|
|**U**pdate|`/cashcards/{id}`|`PUT`|204 (NO DATA)|
|Operation|API Endpoint|HTTP Method|Response Status| |**D**elete|`/cashcards/{id}`|`DELETE`|204 (NO DATA)|
|**C**reate|`/cashcards`|`POST`|201 (CREATED)| Another common concept associated with REST is the Hypertext Transfer Protocol. In **HTTP**, a caller sends a Request to a URI. A web server receives the request, and routes it to a request handler. The handler creates a Response, which is then sent back to the caller.
|**R**ead|`/cashcards/{id}`|`GET`|200 (OK)|
|**U**pdate|`/cashcards/{id}`|`PUT`|204 (NO DATA)| ## REST in Spring Boot
|**D**elete|`/cashcards/{id}`|`DELETE`|204 (NO DATA)|
One of the main things Spring does is to configure and instantiate objects. These objects are called *Spring Beans*, and are usually created by Spring (as opposed to using the Java `new` keyword). You can direct Spring to create Beans in several ways.
Another common concept associated with REST is the Hypertext Transfer Protocol. In **HTTP**, a caller sends a Request to a URI. A web server receives the request, and routes it to a request handler. The handler creates a Response, which is then sent back to the caller.
> We will annotate a class with a Spring Annotation, which directs Spring to create an instance of the class during Springs *Component Scan* phase. This happens at application startup. The Bean is stored in Springs `IoC Container`. From here, the bean can be injected into any code that requests it.
## REST in Spring Boot
![[Pasted image 20230719102322.png]]
One of the main things Spring does is to configure and instantiate objects. These objects are called *Spring Beans*, and are usually created by Spring (as opposed to using the Java `new` keyword). You can direct Spring to create Beans in several ways.
## @RestController
> We will annotate a class with a Spring Annotation, which directs Spring to create an instance of the class during Springs *Component Scan* phase. This happens at application startup. The Bean is stored in Springs `IoC Container`. From here, the bean can be injected into any code that requests it.
In Spring Web, Requests are handled by Controllers. We are going to use the more specific `RestController` annotation. The actual class shall be placed in `src/main/java/djmil/cashcard/CashCardController.java`
![[Pasted image 20230719102322.png]]
## @RestController @RestController
public class CashCardController {
In Spring Web, Requests are handled by Controllers. We are going to use the more specific `RestController` annotation. The actual class shall be placed in `src/main/java/djmil/cashcard/CashCardController.java` }
@RestController Thats all it takes to tell Spring: “create a REST Controller”. The Controller gets injected into Spring Web, which routes API requests (handled by the Controller) with help of [[GET#@GetMapping]] annotation to the correct method.
public class CashCardController {
} ## Get
``` ****
In [[GET]] requests, the body is empty. So, the request to read the Cash Card with an id of 123 would be:
Thats all it takes to tell Spring: “create a REST Controller”. The Controller gets injected into Spring Web, which routes API requests (handled by the Controller) with help of [[GET#@GetMapping]] annotation to the correct method.
## Get Request:
**** Method: GET
In [[GET]] requests, the body is empty. So, the request to read the Cash Card with an id of 123 would be: URL: http://cashcard.example.com/cashcards/123
Body: (empty)
``` ```
Method: GET The response to a successful Read request has a body containing the JSON representation of the Resource which was requested, with a Response Status Code of 200 (OK). So the response to the above Read request would look like this:
URL: http://cashcard.example.com/cashcards/123
Body: (empty) ```
``` Response:
Status Code: 200
The response to a successful Read request has a body containing the JSON representation of the Resource which was requested, with a Response Status Code of 200 (OK). So the response to the above Read request would look like this: Body:
``` "id": 123,
Response: "amount": 25.00
Status Code: 200 }
Body: ```
"id": 123,
"amount": 25.00